Monday 31 December 2012

Trooper is growing!

Hello there fraggers and non-fraggers! I'm just gonna be sharing that Trooper is growing slowly. Well, it can't be as big as Justice now but at least enough for some fraggers to have some fun!

A friend of mine told me a friend of him will be hosting 3 more servers for Trooper, since now it has only 2 servers left.  Now about the clans, currently the best is Clan|, I am currently trying to connect or maybe join a server with their leader. "To have some tea time together!"

A member of mine, suggested a clan war but no. Sorry! Not yet, since Anyson just returned. By the way, whats the point of clan war if its in Trooper Edition. Sauer League is on Justice and not Trooper so, even if you win a clan war, it kinda didn't change anything. "But of course you get more members!"

Some of our, 'old fraggers' are returning from their long rest! Also might even bring along some old clans, for example: eMF and CoP.

Well, hopefully Trooper will return to its status as before! Thats all, good luck and happy fragging.

Saturday 29 December 2012

New clans in Trooper!!!

Oooo! Hello derr! :D This is Eagle! Or known as |Anyson.G|Eagle, why do I say that? We got a new member and the name is M!RDON! Welcome to Anyson! This will end quickly. Below is the list of clans in Trooper.


Only 8? Yes! But this is based under Anyson's watch, so if you know other clans currently playing in Trooper, please do inform us as we don't want someone to feel offended ;D

Eagles away!

Trooper! Progressing...

Hello there fraggers and non-fraggers! Today we Anyson, recruited a new member! He is an average Sauerbraten Trooper Edition player, joining Anyson as (Anyson.HR)M!RDON. I must say, he is not a bad player at all since I dueled with him.

So, since when did we got this HR rank? It stands for Head of Recruit. Yes, Head of Recruit. Mainly, it was suggested by |Anyson.CL|ScaR a few months ago, now the same thing goes again with M!RDON. After quite a bit of a mess in the head, I agreed, as long as they use it under my permission.

We're going to re-decorate Anyson Blog with a new banner and some other stuffs. We'll do it soon.... yeah soon... sounds good enough. Now, I'll leave the rest under Eagle's wings.

So thats all for now! Have fun and happy fragging.

Friday 28 December 2012

I'm back on Trooper!

Hello there fraggers n' non-fraggers! I'm back on Trooper! But yeah, the only disappointing thing is.. the servers.. theres only 2-4 servers left! I thought it was really, totally dead, then I saw some old friends!

Most importantly, naming them! |Anysn.L|Snip3r, no.u.didnt, Krystal and Penguin! I spent some time today just for a bit of a chat with these 4, yet we still chat like before. Good times, good times.

Many things happened when I left Trooper for Justice. Hopefully the new 'will-be release' Edition will look different and better than the current edition which is Justice. Give us something new! Instead of new maps and models.

Note to all: If you have time please do download Trooper Edition, and play along!

So yeah, I hope I will see you there! Sooner or later at least.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Return of the Eagle

Hello there fraggers and non-fraggers! Just to inform you that our |Anyson.G|Eagle is back from his holiday trip to (wherever he went). He just posted a new post, a previous post, right after I gave him author to post.

Well, if your a new player in Cube 2 Sauerbraten: Trooper Edition, you might wanna ask him to show you special places and cool spots in Sauerbraten maps. Also showing you rifle-jumping and rocket-jumping.

Why him? Because he is an Eagle who flaps his wings between the mountains and also go snowboarding all over the place during winter. I am also re-downloading Trooper Edition, hopefully to see some old players to at least have joke with.

Thats all.. I guess... I'll see you later!

Eagle's on watch!!

Hey everyone! :)
This is Eagle! Or may be called as Eagle! Just kidding, its |Anyson.G|Eagle! Back from a huge trip of holiday during this Christmas. Now lets get this post started! Already? YES, already.

Right now I am carrying Anyson in Trooper Edition since +Ash Tryan  'accidently' deleted his Trooper. He said he will redownload the game sooner or later! No worries! I heard of a lot of complaints from our friends in Justice that that edition is not fun.

Then I guess that means "Ash is coming!" into Trooper :D So if you viewers want to join, you may download Trooper in Cube 2 Sauerbraten website. The return of our leader :O

But I still bet he needs a bit of a practice since he haven't played Sauerbraten for a few months already. >.>

The end of this post~ Haha! I don't think this is how Ash writes a post but this is the Eagle way of posting! :D

Wednesday 26 December 2012

New Year Fragging!

Hello there fraggers and non-fraggers! Enjoying Christmas? Here, I got nothing to say.. just enjoying myself here. But its really fun indeed! Got some new friends in Savage 2, and just kinda level up a bit. Bringing Anyson to Savage 2 is really hard, since that game is not just a 'shoot n win' game.

It needs real skills so I don't know if I am able to teach new players in Savage 2 since I'm not really that good enough to lead a clan. Oh well, since I already got myself a clan in Sauerbraten, I might just maintain it there.

"Dominate this Earth with Anyson Clan!"

So yeah, have a good holiday and Happy New Year! Let the new Anyson grow! "not yet still"

I'll cya later! After people stop throwing snow balls everywhere... Yes, thank you. Good luck and happy fragging!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Cheer up!

Hello there fraggers and non-fraggers! Still wishing for the new Sauerbraten to be released? Same here! Hopefully it will be release in around this December. I also am hoping for the ability to crouch... But lets make that optional! Now what I want is some friendly players and not some ignorant 'Pro' or hackers and cheaters.

Some clan system would be fun too! (Yeah, lets just hope). By the way, I can continue my postings about Sauerbraten rather than other games like Savage 2. Because you already know about Trooper and Justice so I know it might gonna get a bit boring if I put the same posts over and over again.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Rushing Snout!

Hello there! I spent some time on Sauerbraten Justice and I found out this one ironsnout rushing right straight to the opponent's base to take the flag in iCTF (Instagib Capture The Flag). My reaction was obviously "What is he doing?!" because there were like 15 opponents that just spawned.

Similar to Savage 2! (NS2)

Why hello there fraggers n' non-fraggers! I'm just gonna post one news, I believe you've already read about previous posts about Savage 2. So, I'm telling you, Savage 2 is not the only game that has FPS and RTS.

There is... something much more better! Better graphics, better controls and much more! I present to you, Natural Selection 2! The only thing is that, its not free as Savage 2. You'll have to buy it, but it worth it. I'll share you 2 videos below which one is from the Marine side and the other, Alien side.