Saturday 30 July 2011

Big news!

Hello fraggers and non-fraggers! I would like to inform you about our our new map named Castle. Its not finished yet as I've almost finish the castle and gonna get busy for the siege weapons and the canyon. In this map you'll be able to find an armory located inside the Castle or in the Catapults or Tower. I could use some help from my members but if you want to join us, you could come to the server named Anyson_Castle and please inform that you've read and wanted to help.

Also, if your searching for me in Spiral Knights, my in-game name will be Ash-Rider and I'm not in any clan as I'm in the making of the Anyson Knights. I'll have to find some more money or I may say, Crowns. The Crowns are like money and used to buy items, gears or craft something. Its a very fun game too. If you want to donate Anyson you could donate us in Spiral Knights, so we can build Anyson Knights faster. We really appreciate any donations from you.

Sunday 24 July 2011


Hello there people. I don't have interesting news to be shared right now. It's because I have been 'busy' about my works and research. Not much but I play other games too. The games I've played during these hours are Spiral Knights, Lord of the Rings 2: Battle for Middle-Earth and I've been trying to install Steam. Steam is where you could purchase games or download the free games. Not so fun for me because the laptop can't handle the graphics of the games.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Clan Wars

Helloo there fraggers! I would like to inform you that Anyson had just entered a clan war. We've lost the first match but we won the second match. This is our first clan war in Justice Edition! So stay tuned for more clan wars news!

The opponent is the GoM clan. GoM vs Anyson, it is a tough game for us because they are very good. You can see the image of the second round at the Clan Wars page. I would like to tell you some detail information about our opponent and us.

Saturday 16 July 2011

New member and modes

Hello player and non-player! Like how I have promised in the old post that I will tell you about the modes available in Sauerbraten. Sauerbraten have many modes especially in the Justice Edition. There are instagib, duel, hold, protect, CTF, efficiency and tactics.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Justice! The new born Anyson

Hello there players and non-players! I would like to tell you that Anyson has already reached the Justice Edition. So, if you wanted to join you could just leave a comment or a message at our leader, Ash. If you did not know where to send the message, please refer to the contact page.

We won't build a server since there are many other clan servers that took up to 6 server browser page. I don't really think we could get players to notice our server. By the way, I'm not sure how to make a server in Linux because I am using Linux.

If you are playing Sauerbraten: Justice Edition, I prefer to train yourself at a map named Venice. It contains many building with windows which is really useful for snipers. I got a trick that could help you, it is how to get on the roofs. First of all, you'll need to know the basic or I may say, the key to all tricks in Sauerbraten.

The basic is the rifle jump and the rocket jump. The rifle jump let you to jump higher than a normal jump rate. You will see you jump higher. How to do the rifle jump is simple, you just need a rifle which is called rifle rounds and then press the jump key on your keyboard or right mouse button. After pressing the jump key you'll need to shoot at the ground as fast as possible.

Also, you will need to get close to the rooftop to reach it. The rocket jump use the same method but it jumps higher than any kind of jump. It is higher than the rifle jump too but it costs some of your health as it is rocket that explodes if it touch anything. If your searching for Ash, he will always play at a map named Venice and the game mode it Instagib team.

You might want to meet him, so you could see some demonstration about the rifle jump and the rocket jump. I will tell you about the modes available in Sauerbraten: Justice Edition in the next post.

Before I end this post I would like to inform you that my brother, Price had joined Anyson in Justice Edition followed, by my online friend who is connected at India, named Tejaswy Ramesh. I call him Tej for a short name. His name in Anyson is |Anyson|Fixxer and I don't put his ranking since his new name is longer.

Thats all for this post! Stay tune if you want to know the modes available at Sauerbraten the Justice Edition.

Saturday 9 July 2011

New member!

Hello there people! theres a player named Unicorn told me he wanted to join Anyson, so I tested him for 2 rounds. 1st round was only for warm-up, the 2nd round He got 39 and Ash got 50 kills which is 21 kills away from each other! His request is accepted after the match. He is quite good but its a really bad way to give Ash a warm-up because it will allow him to suit himself with the map and remind himself all the tricks he have learned.

I would like to tell you a short movements in the match between me and him. His tactic is offensive while Ash is both on defensive and offensive at the same time. His name before joining the clan is Rex which is shorter and much more suit with his name. Let's continue with the battle tactics. The early 5 minutes, Rex got 10 points more than Ash. When it reaches the middle of the game Ash started to boost out his skills.

So, Ash wins the game by boosting his skills at the middle of the game. He did not play seriously at the early game because he is reading his opponent moves and tactics. After he gets it, he'll boost the perfect and suitable skills to defeat his opponent. Rex likes to jump and shoot when he gets the high ground, he barely jump and he has a good sight in close range. With these Rex's skills, Ash burst his skills at the middle of the game.

Skills                                              How to defeat the skill
jump and shoot at high ground - flank him or run to another high ground and kill
                                                     him from there.

barely jump                               - use the Scan Shot to kill him.

Good at close range                  - Kill him from a far distance
                                                     (for example: Snipe him using the rifle.)

 Thanks for reading and stay tune for more information! - |Anyson.L|Ash

Forward Anyson

Hello Fraggerers! This is me Ash and its been a long time since I've been posting here. Right here I will tell you what I have been doing with my brother. Price have downloaded some new games at our computer so I want to take a look at it. They're very exciting when I get use to it. The games are Red Eclipse, Savage XR, Regnum Online and Spring! I've seen some other players creates clan there. Pretty impressive I may say, so It took some of my time bringing Anyson there. No players join us yet but I just need to be patient for a while and my hard work might work out. By the way, I have forgive Snipz for double-clan without my knowledge. I have also updated Anyson Clan website since I get advises and suggestions from my father. Give me feedback about it! Really please. Enjoy this blog!


Today! We got out leader - Ash, win a duel! |Anyson.L|Ash VS |DCC|HellLord!

Ash's score = 41
Helllord's score = 32

Big time where he supposed to meet with. There's one more thing. There is a traitor named Sn!pz. Yes, indeed he joined Anyson but Ash saw him using the DCC clan tag. that is a really bad attitude for a member! He have been removed from this clan once and for all! But... if he change his attitude then we maybe will accept him again, maybe. Anyway, thanks to your leader - |Anyson|Trooper

Clan War problem

I almost win the battle with QAS [Joran] and QAS [Diehard] but they always complain about my ping! its not a big deal! Ask Tej, he can explain what will happen but my score is 6, his 4. I say they're cowards. If I were them I would stand and fight! Trust me. Anyson! forward!

The Grunts Competition

The Grunts competition is over! you'll see the score for 3 rounds as I'll list it below here! The score means kills..

Round 1                                     Round 2                                     Round 3
Eagle -  138                             Eagle - 136                               Eagle - 148
Bomba - 124                          Bomba - 130                            Bomba - 129
Killa - 115                                 Killa - 128                                Killa - 121

Well yeah! Thanks to the competitor and the judge |Anyson|Trooper!
Stay tuned for more news in Anyson!

Friday 8 July 2011

First post!

Anyson blog is open and will tell you about things that is happening in Sauerbraten. Feel free to comment but I wanted to remind you about one important thing, DO NOT USE STRONG LANGUAGE or your comment will be DELETED. (I'm really sorry if there are some grammars problems in this website. Be the first to comment! - |Anyson.L|Ash)