Sunday 10 July 2011

Justice! The new born Anyson

Hello there players and non-players! I would like to tell you that Anyson has already reached the Justice Edition. So, if you wanted to join you could just leave a comment or a message at our leader, Ash. If you did not know where to send the message, please refer to the contact page.

We won't build a server since there are many other clan servers that took up to 6 server browser page. I don't really think we could get players to notice our server. By the way, I'm not sure how to make a server in Linux because I am using Linux.

If you are playing Sauerbraten: Justice Edition, I prefer to train yourself at a map named Venice. It contains many building with windows which is really useful for snipers. I got a trick that could help you, it is how to get on the roofs. First of all, you'll need to know the basic or I may say, the key to all tricks in Sauerbraten.

The basic is the rifle jump and the rocket jump. The rifle jump let you to jump higher than a normal jump rate. You will see you jump higher. How to do the rifle jump is simple, you just need a rifle which is called rifle rounds and then press the jump key on your keyboard or right mouse button. After pressing the jump key you'll need to shoot at the ground as fast as possible.

Also, you will need to get close to the rooftop to reach it. The rocket jump use the same method but it jumps higher than any kind of jump. It is higher than the rifle jump too but it costs some of your health as it is rocket that explodes if it touch anything. If your searching for Ash, he will always play at a map named Venice and the game mode it Instagib team.

You might want to meet him, so you could see some demonstration about the rifle jump and the rocket jump. I will tell you about the modes available in Sauerbraten: Justice Edition in the next post.

Before I end this post I would like to inform you that my brother, Price had joined Anyson in Justice Edition followed, by my online friend who is connected at India, named Tejaswy Ramesh. I call him Tej for a short name. His name in Anyson is |Anyson|Fixxer and I don't put his ranking since his new name is longer.

Thats all for this post! Stay tune if you want to know the modes available at Sauerbraten the Justice Edition.

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