Saturday 9 July 2011

New member!

Hello there people! theres a player named Unicorn told me he wanted to join Anyson, so I tested him for 2 rounds. 1st round was only for warm-up, the 2nd round He got 39 and Ash got 50 kills which is 21 kills away from each other! His request is accepted after the match. He is quite good but its a really bad way to give Ash a warm-up because it will allow him to suit himself with the map and remind himself all the tricks he have learned.

I would like to tell you a short movements in the match between me and him. His tactic is offensive while Ash is both on defensive and offensive at the same time. His name before joining the clan is Rex which is shorter and much more suit with his name. Let's continue with the battle tactics. The early 5 minutes, Rex got 10 points more than Ash. When it reaches the middle of the game Ash started to boost out his skills.

So, Ash wins the game by boosting his skills at the middle of the game. He did not play seriously at the early game because he is reading his opponent moves and tactics. After he gets it, he'll boost the perfect and suitable skills to defeat his opponent. Rex likes to jump and shoot when he gets the high ground, he barely jump and he has a good sight in close range. With these Rex's skills, Ash burst his skills at the middle of the game.

Skills                                              How to defeat the skill
jump and shoot at high ground - flank him or run to another high ground and kill
                                                     him from there.

barely jump                               - use the Scan Shot to kill him.

Good at close range                  - Kill him from a far distance
                                                     (for example: Snipe him using the rifle.)

 Thanks for reading and stay tune for more information! - |Anyson.L|Ash

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