Saturday 28 September 2013


You there! What do you think of the new banner and icon? Hm? I guess it's.. pretty cool! Since I made the wolf design, it should represent Anyson. Just like old times! Just, back in the old days the players are 10 times more active than now.

But I believe Ownz and the new Anyson mates can work it out to remake the history. Then, I just might come back into Sauer more often. I wonder how I survived this long, lol. Bahh, let's look forward this time!

New wishes, new mates and new Sauer. New... prey... heh, comfy!
So, new website, new forum (maybe?), new targets and objectives, revamped Anyson, less trolls in le clan and maybe new background for the blog! Ya! I'll just do that!

My fellow minion, make these come true for your own comfort in the clan! Minion.. I like that. But no, let's give you a title, Wolf should fit (as usual).

Now go! Out! Out you go! Fulfill your destiny! I believe you're all starving for more 'food' but go get them yourself!

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