Thursday 22 November 2012

Raise your Rifle and Chainsaw!

Hello there, fraggers and non-fraggers! I spent time on Sauer for a bit this morning and I see some '[Newer protocol]' servers, which I suppose the servers for the new edition? Or maybe something else. I'm not the one who maintains the server so I don't know.

But to those non-fraggers, why don't you join us in Sauerbraten? We don't really play Trooper though. So join us in Justice! Don't need to force yourself to join.....
Oh wow, i can't believe I'm out of idea, because theres nothing new..

Actually if you don't mind, I'd end this post soon? Well, before that.. Would you fraggers join the ctf server? If its full, join the vaQ'4 Venice server. Surely these 2 servers are the servers I usually join because most players play in it, and I hunt opponents for the 'Most frags:' award!

Thats what I always do. Oh well, raise your rifle and prepare for battle or use your chainsaw for traps or death roll. Good luck and happy fragging!

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