Sunday 18 March 2012

Back into Trooper, Foxes!

Hey there fraggers and non-fraggers! We got not much of a big news just that we're back into Trooper Edition! |Anyson.L|Ash will continue controlling Trooper Edition while taking command of the Anyson-Foxes in Justice Edition.

We also have a new blog banner! I know its not that cool but I will try and upgrade it time by time soon enough. If you were wondering who are the Anyson Foxes, they're a group of pro Anyson members, more to a squad of Foxes.

The squad will be named A-Fox as for Anyson-Fox. We mainly use the ironsnout 10k character because the helmet got 2 fangs and 2 foxy ears if you look at it closely. So, we decided to get a group of ironsnout Anyson members to enjoy the A-Fox for a while!

We actually kinda lost behind a little bit in Trooper by news so we're trying to catch up a little bit. About the mod, we have to put a pause on it cuz we actually lost the files and commands and that really put a pause on us. Hopefully we'll be back into the modding scene.

Our leader, Ash Tryan AKA |Anyson.L|Ash together with |Anyson.L|Price is actually trying to configure HoN which stands for Heroes of Newerth, we get the minimum graphic but our framerates are low and cause lag ingame so we're trying to figure the solution out.

If we get the Heroes of Newerth right, we'll bring Anyson there but only after we get use to the game at least! The bad news is just that, We'll only be able to bring Anyson up for the Asia region because I'm in Malaysia, East, below THailand if your wondering.

If you actually want Anyson to be in Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3 of course I can! But I need money to buy Windows, I'm using Linux and its free so just wait for us! Soon enough, I will get Anyson Clan to all games and dominate the Internet! (I'm just kidding, seriously, just kidding).

Thats all for now, fraggers! To those Anysons out there, you won't be called Anysons anymore, you'll be called Foxes or A-Fox, if you want to be called Anysons still then tell me in Trooper or Justice Edition. And.... See you guys later in the next post!


  1. Ash, could you check your email pls. I sent some people who would like to join anyson and they are skilled enough to join this clan. Thanks.

  2. I don't see their name in the scoreboard you gave me. Send me a scoreboard with their scores or at least tell me their name if they are in there, thank you.

  3. Hey ash. I want to join Anyson and my friend Stefano said that I'm good enough to join. If i join then my name would be Flame. Thanks, Foamzee

  4. Your welcome to join then!
    I'll put your name in as |Anyson.A|Flame
    Also, please change your in game name as follow.

  5. Thnx for accepting my friend ash. Another friend of mine and foamzee wants to join too!. i will tell him to comment here of his info and everything. I think i already told u about him but anyways. He will comment here with him name that he wants for sauerbraden

  6. I'll be waiting for it Stefano!

  7. nice do you guys remember me?

  8. I do remember you Ownzzz, I took a look at it but I'm sent to Oh! I also agree for that 5 servers, but dude just give us 1.

  9. ill have to send a link then but ill set them up so get ready they will be up all day ever day could you give me your email so we can talk about server password like what you wont it to be my email is
