Monday 27 February 2012

Anyson vs Brave Challengers

Hey there! Second day in Justice me (|Anyson.L|Ash) and |Anyson.C|scaR are being challenged by brave fraggers named, ch/ckencow and chekov! The four of us fought in a 1-round game so I will show you the screenshot!

                                                          9 - Anyson
                                                          4 - Fraggers

Sunday 26 February 2012

Anyson vs [-SP-]

Hello there! In this post I'm proudly to announce that we have moved to Justice completely! In our first day journey to be a standard good clan in Justice the [-SP-] clan challenge us in a 5 round clan war! At first I was nervous but in the same time I felt happy.

By accepting the challenge |Anyson.L|Ash and |Anyson.L|Price move to a server named ' 4' with 3 other [-SP-]s', [-SP-]nikPL, [-SP-]TrozPL and [-SP-]Champion. First map was Dust2 and the first round score was..

Saturday 25 February 2012

On The Go!

Hello there! If your asking whats this about, the title explains it. But not in a whole so I'm gonna tell you in a short post though. We're going into Justice! So to those Anysons who wanna stick with the clan you are welcome to join us. And YOU, if you want to join us you are welcome too, the requirement to join us are just Justice Edition of Sauerbraten, meet with any of the Anyson and request to join! Done!

To those Anysons who receive the 'join request' please do inform to your leader, |Anyson.L|Ash who will decide either he can join or not. Oh! Before you inform it please do duel them and then inform Leader the score and he will consider about it.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Some News!

Hello there fraggers and non-fraggers! I'm sorry, really sorry if your waiting for a long time. I got a bad news and some good news. I guess I'll start from the bad news. My Sauerbraten Trooper got deleted accidently. So I will only be able to play my backup Sauer folder.

I'll only play to meet some players that might be a little bit important. Eventually, all players are important. Now for the good news, I'll come to Justice Edition as my members and friends ask me to play it. Theres also more editing feature in Justice which are more texture, vscroll command, new mapmodels and more!