Friday 4 November 2011

Random stuffs and a few tricks

Hey everyone! I actually wanted to find Tex right now but then when I search all servers he is not on so I guess I'll take my chance to post a new post!
Talking about random things again or want to talk about tricks. I'm not sure! But lets start with random thing and we'll continue it with tricks!

Oh well, I would like you guys to download and play Spiral Knights because I've been playing it and its very, very awesome. You guys should try it. Also I've started to play Savage again! Pretty bad that my computer can't support Savage 2 graphic. Just need a little bit more powerful graphic card and we can go!

Done with the chatter, lets go with some tricks! First, I found out we aren't suppose to jump all the time when we are dueling or fighting with anyone in Sauerbraten. Either we move right to left as many time as we can or just stand straight and hope the first bullet hit! If it did not hit him than you might be dead after he finish reloading.

Also, when sniping the opponents you aren't suppose to be in the opposite direction. I mean, its pretty unsafe if you snipe players while they are looking at you. You should sniper them from behind! Thats the whole idea! But try not to stand at an exposed area. I like to sniper people from behind a tall building or a big tree.

But sniping like this should be fun too...
 2 Captain Cannon sniping, 1 Ironsnout moving to attack and 1 dead Mr. Fixit.
In some map, sniping at an exposed area is not a problem, but it depends on the map size and the sniping spot. A too exposed area like in the middle of a flat field is not safe. but sniping from a tall hill or a mountain is a good idea too.

Thanks to [BoB]DJ that I found out, Tex really downloaded Justice.
Thats all for now! Thanks for reading and stay tune for more stuffs!

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