Friday 9 September 2011

Assault tips and news

Hey there everyone! I know I haven't post for last week so I'm sorry. In this post the description is told in the title of this post. I will start with the news first. 2 weeks ago Zman establish a new clan named ELITE and contain around 15 members. So he wanted to have a clan war test but I don't have any member online at that time and I asked Krywik to help him out with his clan war. |>ELITE<|Galaxy and |>ELITE<|Master versus us in instagib team at map Quake.

They won for around 140 around frags while we got 97 frags. Krywik goes AFK (Away From Keyboard) for 4 times but no matter what I get the most frags by around 186. The next day I have a duel with Master/Zman and we get a tie for 57 - 57 frags. Last week we have agreed to duel again for 2 round so he won the first round by 47 - 35 and I won the second round by 57 - 32 and it is a tied match. Anyson also get a new recruit named Herobrine and his Anyson registered name is |Anyson.A|Hero.

In this week, well I dont have any news since I haven't online in Sauerbraten yet. So lets continue with the assaulting tips. I'll start with assaulting a house or I may say storming a house. If you want to kill a sniper in there you should use something quicker. For example a chainsaw, a rifleround and maybe a rocket launcher. If you choose rocket launcher you should not get close to him to avoid getting the damage in its exploding radius.

If your using a chainsaw then you should not start the chainsaw first or he will know your coming at him and prepare himself to face you. So do not make any noise before you get close to him. That is my advice to any chainsaw user. Using a rifleround is much faster though. It deals 100 damage but slow in reload. So if your planning to kill snipers in other modes than instagib team, then use other weapon than rifleround as your not sure if he is wearing an armor or getting a health boost.

Using a rocket launcher will deal 200 damage if you get a direct hit so it is much perfect but if your shooting the sniper while noticed by him, you will get shot and die while he still have some time to avoid the rocket since it is slow. Assaulters will never stop moving as they are for search-and-destroy. So get into some houses to check for enemies or snipers. But do not run at the same place for like 5 times or players know you'll be there and might set a trap for you.

Being an assaulter will need to know the map, fast avoiding bullets or rockets, increased accuracy and suitable weapons. To decrease the enemy armor you could use the Bullets/Chaingun as it deals 30 damage and shoots for 3 bullets in 1 second and you can carry 60 bullets. If I'm in an assault map or assault mode I would carry Chaingun with 60 bullets and Riflerounds with 15 bullets.

With those bullets I could use this trick since I just need to scroll my mousewheel to change my weapon. First, spam the enemy with the Chaingun shooting at him reducing his armor and try to aim directly at him and scroll to change to Rifleround, and it will shoot directly at him and you'll get a frag but one tip, when you press the left mouse to fire the chaingun do not let your finger away when your switching to Riflerounds. Use your middle finger to scroll to Riflerounds while letting the other one pressing the left mouse button.

These are the tips that I know for assaulting. Thanks for reading! Please do wait for the next post and enjoy it too.

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