Saturday 12 October 2013

Strategy do exist!

Flanking, Blitzkrieg, Ambush. Mainly, these 3 do exist in Sauerbraten. As for example the map Flagstone.

But how? Well, Flanking includes Suppressing or Distracting. For example you're a team of 5 and 3 of your mates are Distracting your opponents on point 0 from point 4 while you flank from point 2 and your other mate goes for the flag from point 3. Get it?

Of course it requires early planning before the match, the most effective way to re-organize a plan IN the match is through voice chat, which is not built in Sauerbraten. So, some clans uses Teamspeak 3 or Skype or Mumble, in short, 3rd party softwares.

Ambush, it works if your opponent(s) are traveling from point 2 and you're on point 4. Just jump the hell on them lol. Ever play Warhammer 40k games? See how the Assault Squad Marines uses their jetpack? Yeah, like that.


Blitzkrieg? Oh well just group up beside the Hill (point 4) with your mates and then yell "BLITZKRIEEEG" and charge point 0. I find this funny because I used to do this with my fellow Anysons..

I'm not sure if you understand when I explain by points.. must I draw arrows on the map too?

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