Thursday 20 June 2013

Heyho Ironsnores!

Ciao over there! Oh, Ciao is "Hello" or "Hey" in modern Italian. Hey, I take language classes (online!). Don't judge me there (Lol). So, I'm not here to tell you I learn Italian and random stuffs. Its just a greet message.

Yet, I can't believe I wrote a whole paragraph for a greet message.. I just judged myself, didn't I? Bah, who cares (I do). Now, I'm here to tell you, I'm not dead. Its just, 4 years on Sauer was rough, tough and repetitive. I decided to take a break from it maybe, a month or few or more.

Well, what am I doing now, you wonder? Browsing IndieDB for more Linux games! Currently I'm tracking some good games and help some developers with their games currently in development. You should do the same. Before I throw a brick on your screen through mine. Which is possible. You know that.

So, I might be back this month or next. No worries, I might visit this weekend if I feel like to. Just get on, greet everyone and drop off if I got nothing to do. For I am now learning tons of stuff.. 3D modeling, languages and school.. School is the most torturing one.

Well, thats about it.. "(Lol)" as Ash finished writing a post, why? Because the whole post is not Sauer-related. Maybe a few sentences but most of it. And it doesn't make any sense to him. Just to tell you I am alive took me 5 paragraphs. Bah! SPARTAA!! -Have fun fragging and... "I'll be back" said the Terminator-

(Weirdest way to begin and end a post, yet it's because I am not trying to be formal -smiley face-)


  1. Like the new badge :D
    Same here Ash, been playing minecraft and gonna try only guards and theivs as well .
    So see to all in game :d

    1. Yea, good games :3
      Just that.. my ping is like 400-500 in western/europe servers in OGAT, but in Malaysian made server I got 100 below! :D
