Monday, 29 April 2013

Chess Tournament

Herrow there! I have found the map, but I can't really upload it to the servers for players to download it so... download it yourself if possible! Map name is chess, made by the RRR Clan. How to play? You'll know. Just speak English.

Chess map made by the RRR clan

So above is the map preview. You may download it at, click on the link below the Map File to download it. Server and time is decided.

Server: Krystal's Retro Arcade or FR|Bloodfactory
Time: (UTC) GMT
Date: 17th May, Sunday/Saturday

Join along if you can! End discussion here. Happy fragging and collecting!

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Dear Anysons

Message to all Anysons, please register yourself at the Anyson forum to make sure of inactivity and allow votes or polls. Thanks in advance. And of course thanks to those who already registered.

 There is a suggestion made by  the Emperor, that is to make a new motto for the Anyson Clan. If any of you got something good in mind please feel free to share it either in the comments section below or in the forum. Top 3 mottos will poll, the highest vote will win.      

Maybe receive a medal of creativity too, HAH! Well at least something. So please do suggest... Plus, we Anysons might have a chess competition. Anyone can join, that so is IF we find a chess map. Server, date and time is not yet set so go practice while you can!

Other than that, alliance between Anyson and EA clan has been established. We even had a practice war earlier. And.... Justice is the new Trooper now! Flashback of the establishment of Anyson Clan with old members 4 years ago.

Celebrate our 5th year this May, 4th with us soon! Wow it has been a long road for me... Haha!  I feel old.. well, that's it. End post here. Happy fragging and collecting!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Forum is open!

Herrow there ladies and gentlemen! Hereby I would like to announce that the Anyson forum is open! For applications, discussions, complaints and for the members of the Anyson Clan.

Please do visit us there too, don't expect much since we're just getting started! Perhaps you can help us keeping the forum active, maybe even as a guest.. make yourself as a.. mystery.. something.. I don't know.

Some may be available for guests to read or view, and some may not. As we Anysons discuss such, secret or important matters. Anyways, it doesn't stop you from joining us by applying, we accept your application, and you can join our... secret discussions.

Give suggestions to keep the clan unique too! Please do...

Thats it for now! A simple clan for everyone, a special clan for someone. Thats all I got for now. Lets hope for more action soon! Have fun fragging and collecting!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Herrow there fraggers and non-fraggers! Coming soon~ Our forum! It shall be open when it's finish, so don't really expect you'll see any topic for now. Yeah, for now you'll only be able to, like preview the forum design or whatever available at the moment that you wanna see.

It looks good in my opinion! Once the forum is open, fraggers can apply there instead of the email. Which of course easier for me and the rest of Anyson Clan members. You can even sort of.. file a complaint! Of course the complaint must relate to the clan..

Now the fellow Anysons may learn more, in tactics and skills! Also may share their tips and tricks for the rest of the clan.... Of course thats not it, tons of other things we can do!

If you wanna visit the forum, simply visit

With that, have fun fragging and collecting~! ^^

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Hostility Declared

Herrow there fraggers and non-fraggers! Oh! About the topic of the post as you seen above, I would like you to guess what clan labeled Anyson as a Hostile clan. But first, lets see what I got for you.

Firsty! Anyson's Ranking System will be replaced by the Organization Chart once it is finished! Who knows if its a bad or good news. To me, it's more organized. After that, Anyson will open a forum! A clan forum of course.

A forum? For what? Obviously, we'll be using it in case if any of our member want to ask questions, or for players to apply for the clan and even to discuss some clan matter.

Ha! Quite interesting, yes? We will start updating the blog and keep you posted once we get enough posters. Even so, I guess we're doing good! Alrighty now, back to the Hostile Case.

The BT clan leader, has declared hostility towards Anyson clan, and so, from now on, Anyson will be ignoring every single BT clan request. Clan war? Nope! I've learned something about the BT clan leader.

The BT clan leader, known as Stef or Reborn. Whenever his clan wins a clan war, he always brag about it. But when he lose, he always say "Its just a practice.". Fascinating, don't you think so? So from now on, we do not make any deal with the BTs. Game Over Pal'!

Alliance also has been declared between Anyson clan - SC clan and Tee clan. A pleasure to have them around!

Alrighty then, I got tons to share with you but I guess time is pretty short now. Perhaps later! Have fun fragging and collecting!