Saturday 14 July 2012


Hey there! Guess who's back from business? Its Ash! Okay lets see, I checked Sauerbraten for like many times but I don't have time to make a post. Lets make it short... I guess Anyson is the first clan but I'm not sure about it, just seeing we're the only clan standing lol

Hmm, theres a lot of drama going on around with my friends in Sauer but I don't think they want to spread the news. Players gets lesser too which gives us good and bad news. Good news is the cheaters and hackers are gone and the bad news is we're losing players.

Well, as the previous post by scaR about Terminator and others, I gave scaR and Snip3r author to write posts if I'm busy or gone to somewhere without notifying. Got a lot of stuffs going on right now.

One of our old member which is Piv is back! Still loyal to the Anyson he still holds the HE which is Head Editor and was one of our old ranks. I'll have to end this post here, have fun and happy fragging!

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Thursday 5 July 2012

A clan leader loses bet against Anyson

Hello all,
Spoiler Alert: Its gonna be a weird post!

so how you all been ? ( leave comment ) lol. Anyway Here is the story of wat happened today. i (scaR)   was playing in some random ctf servers with random players. Ofc SilentCity was there. i was getting highest score, and then a player started saying "who wants to join my clan" again n again, he was {FTW}Terminator . He wrote it like many times in 2 rounds thats 10+10=20 minutes. I was getting irritated. I said "to make a clan you have to be very good, are you ?" . wait m making a conversation list , here goes:

Terminator: Who wants to be in my clan ? ==> like 100 times

Me: You have to be a very good player to make a clan !

Terminator: I'm very good. (but I was watching him play in ctf, trust me he wasnt that good)

Terminator: And my clan is the best clan. None of trooper clan can compete with my clan.

 then he started bragging. 
Me: Stop it and play !
Terminator: What you think, your clan is better ?

Me: I never said anything about it but yes !

Terminator: Duel me and see who is better.

Me: Ok go to open coop server.

Terminator: Wait if you lose the match you'll leave your clan and join my clan !

Me ( was angry at that moment ) : Ummmm... ok . and if you lose you'll leave your clan and join my clan.

Terminator: ok.


See the chat.

Now i thought he cant be in Anyson as he is a noob. But he said " according to bet i have to join our clan"