Tuesday 19 June 2012

First Post!!

Hello fraggers and non-fraggers!! This is my first post on my first blog! xD

I am Snip3r and have been in Anyson for a while now. I was promoted from "CL" to Leader but it's actually "Half Leader" for me which Ash calls it xD

Just as we know that Anyson is the best clan that's existed, I have found that a lot of members aren't active. So in the "Members list" I will create a pending list lasting 2 weeks for players that we have not seen in a while. If not seen in that time they will be kicked, but can always be changed. I would like help from all fraggers and non-fraggers to help me with this and send an email to anysonsniper@gmail.com if you have any info and then I can make the changes.

So that's it for the post, have fun and long live anyson!!!! :D
Goodluck and happy fragging xD


  1. Dude, I'm still not sure if we're the best clan but if we are.. keep up the good work till' 2013 so we get another "Legendary Clan" Title :D

    Keep Anyson alive, good luck ;D

    1. This dream might come true :D in justice. xD

  2. yea saying that anyson was the best clan was just for the post :P
    but we are awesome anyway

  3. Uh, duh its obvious :P
    We're a cool clan but I know we still got other clans for fun :3
