Hey there everyone! I would like to say thank you for passing by our blog again! I know, its been a long time since I've been posting. I'm out of idea what to post about but in this post I have some big news about Anyson. It is a risky decision for me to make but please do know what it is.
Two weeks ago my friend, Tejaswy Ramesh who used to be in Anyson before and currently in a clan named |yum| invited me to join the |yum| clan. He suggest I bring Anyson to Trooper Edition back and join other clan in Justice for a start. It took me a week to decide about it but at last I agree with him.
After I decide it, I made an apply to join |yum| and currently I am waiting for their reply either to accept or decline my apply. Just now, this morning I met up with Tej as how I promised him. He said it is a meeting and if I don't come I will miss a lot of things.
When I arrived at the server which the server description is 'PSL.Sauerleague.org 4' I only saw Tej and 2 other players which I don't know. After that, we play insta ctf and theres no meeting. I asked him if that is the meeting but, well I don't remember what he said.
So, to bring Anyson back to Trooper Edition I must re-download it. Which might took a few hours. But, nothing to be worry about . I just wait and wait and wait until the vote for all applies. Wish me luck!
In Sauerbraten the players are reducing but still have plenty of players though. I haven't seen Mars activities now. I don't even see him yet but I guess with that I don't need to be busy posting about him again from now on! Yeah, he has been pretty popular around the other posts.
Okay! THats all for the news! Thanks for passing by and thanks for your time.
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