Sunday 31 March 2013


Hello there fraggers and non-fraggers! Well, I've gotten a few recruits for a week. As listed below:


I'd like to say "Welcome back!" to some of our old members! Those I refer to are Brudi, M!DON, Bt and Orche. But the fun part is me and Pac vs the BT clan. Oh yes, you got that right! Anyson vs BT, a clan war.

(Middle click on pic to open in a New Tab)
As you can see, we won the first match quite easily. In my opinion its because of teamwork.

The second match was a lost, however, we stopped losing after the first half. We just didn't make it for a draw.

The third and last! Was indeed the most... confusing one. Why? Because the BTs keep refreshing the match for some reasons I don't understand. However, we still won! |Anyson.A|Pac called this a rape!

So I guess we won against the BT clan. For the first time. They might challenge us another time in the future who knows when? And I have no doubt their leader, Stef is going to be present for the clan war.

Back to our clan chart! M!DON, from now on is an Organizer, who'll help the Barrack chief/officer organizing the clan. Pac shall be our Seeker, who will seek for new reliable members. Bt, will be our 2nd Co-Leader. Brudi and Pac are our Assault Elites since both of them entered a clan war. Sure, I am hoping 100% from you guys!

Well! This all ends right at the end of my school holiday! So see you fraggers soon! Happy fragging!

Monday 25 March 2013

I'm back

The ol' pirate is back! Stealing frags and fame! But first, this captain needs to manage his clan. Now lets see what is damaged here. Members and Leaders. Why? Not organized. But really? Isn't it just Leaders then?

 Heres an organization chart, a new one. The problem was, the whole clan is depending on one leader. When the leader is gone the clan doesn't know what to do. So now everyone has a job, a task.

  • Knights may challenge elites to gain their position, and when the Elite loses will become a regular knight.
  • Knights can become a part of Poster, Seeker, Organizer and Modder. They can also join fights.
  • Each grunt is dedicated to their own task and are not allowed to do someone else's
  • The Emporer and Chiefs are immune to kicking while others are not.
 Who is the Emporer? He wishes to be unknown. Some of you know Price, some don't. Also I'll completely remove everyone out of the member page. Anyone who wants to remain in Anyson may report to me. This action is to remove all inactive members.

Whoever who wants to apply for a job, talk to either me (Ash) or Price.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Members left (Break up)

Lets get straight to the point! First of all, most Anysons left and form a new clan (or just left). I don't really mind if they leave peacefully, but you don't need to be aggressive. Well I guess that happens when there is no leader in charge. At least Ownz care to inform me.

And I don't know who left and who remains so yeah, I need a list, a new list. Start fresh and pure new when I get back on Sauerbraten. Its been a month! Using school's computer currently. I really was hoping Stef would be able to help me while I am gone.

Give the co-leader(s) surprise by promoting up to 2nd Leader demoting 2nd Leader to Co-Leader for inactivity.Whatever, what happened just happened. Its not like I can do anything for those who left. The reason I was inactive is because I moved to another house, so I have to bring the internet from old home to new home.

And I'm not sure if theres even internet home. I'm not surprise of what happened though. Was expecting that since I'm not there. I'm not here to be hostile to anyone. Not up for any debate and negative stuffs. But honestly, can't you be nice, leaving a clan that has never disturbed you?

I hope I'll get Windows soon so I can have more friends in more games, universal ftw! As far as I know, Stef, Yoyo, Flame have left the clan. The rest I don't know. But obviously since I'm leader I get the blames. Cool! I was not even there for like a month!

Until I get the internet, I can rest for a bit. Your time spent in Anyson shall be remembered, Stef! Have fun!