Tuesday 19 June 2012

First Post!!

Hello fraggers and non-fraggers!! This is my first post on my first blog! xD

I am Snip3r and have been in Anyson for a while now. I was promoted from "CL" to Leader but it's actually "Half Leader" for me which Ash calls it xD

Just as we know that Anyson is the best clan that's existed, I have found that a lot of members aren't active. So in the "Members list" I will create a pending list lasting 2 weeks for players that we have not seen in a while. If not seen in that time they will be kicked, but can always be changed. I would like help from all fraggers and non-fraggers to help me with this and send an email to anysonsniper@gmail.com if you have any info and then I can make the changes.

So that's it for the post, have fun and long live anyson!!!! :D
Goodluck and happy fragging xD

Friday 8 June 2012

On the Go !

Hello fraggers and non-fraggers ( thats how Ash writes, right ? ) . Ok once again Hello fraggers and non fraggers , make way, kneel,  |Anyson.CL|scaR is writing a post !!!!!
Kidding ofcourse, anyway I'm scaR and this is my first post i guess. Some days ago i have been promoted from Head Assaulter to Co-Leader. Thanks Ash :-)

So, whats going on ? huh ? well if you ask me there is a lot  going on in sauer these days. New clans, New players, Clan Wars etc etc. In this rush some of our members are returning back to Anyson. Like a very old and respected Leader of Anyson , snip3r has returned few days ago and he is practicing hard to get his old rhythm back. While one of our old member w@rlord made a new clan called |FYF|. We wish him all the best. He was well trained in Anyson so he should not face problem there. Some new annoying players have just became more annoying , like SilentCity. Man you dont want to be in his team . He is a hard-core lover of team killing. xD

So i guess this will be all for this post :). Have Fun, Good Luck.

Happy Fragging. :)