Saturday 19 May 2012

New members!!

Hey there! In a short post I will be listing the name of a few new members that had join Anyson in a past few days. Heres the list..

1. |Anyson.A|LITTL
2. |Anyson.S|John
3. |Anyson.A|Bullet

I welcome you to Anyson! Enjoy your time and take your time. Master your skills and tactics then we shall push forward to a glorious victory and replace our long lost history with a new long lasting honor.

I'll put your name in the Member page, well then, good luck and have fun! Happy fragging.

Fake Anyson

Hello there! Well, I'll get this post straight to the point. If you didn't notice, there is a fake Anyson Clan in Sauerbraten Trooper. Leaded by a guy named Rigo, if you have information about this guy please do inform us about it, maybe through email or facebook or the comments below if possible.

The fake Anyson Clan have been massing for a few weeks when I was gone. But now I'm back, |Anyson.L|Ash is back in Trooper. I'll need all support to get this Rigo guy down. Please do share this news to all Sauerbraten Trooper players if you can. We would gladly appreciate your help.